A form of manual therapy that uses scientific evidence about the body and brain to inform the practitioner’s approach to Myoskeletal issues. Postural problems and muscle compensation often cause pain.
My goal is to identify these patterns to reduce and often eliminate pain, increase movement, and change patterns.
Common complaints I see that Myoskeletal can help
*Sacroilic (SI joint) dysfunction
* Muscle pain and sore neck. “ slept wrong” “ tight neck”
* Forward neck/ head , curved or rolled forward shoulders
* Winged shoulder blades
* Upper Crossed Syndrome
* Excessive curve in the lower back called hyperlordosis. Causing a protruding abdomen, and pelvic
tilt. This is typically called lower crossed syndrome
*Range of motion
* Neck pain, headaches
*Plantar fasciitis
* Sciatic pain
* Piriformis Syndrome
* Terms and descriptions are not my own. Credit given to Eric Dalton
Massage results